Yes, No, Maybe So: Kids Who Say One Thing, Do Another

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Or the child could be hungry but unwilling to stop the activity at hand in order to eat. Allow the child to make a choice in these cases - obviously, skewing the more attractive choice in favor of what you want them to do: "You may not want to take a bathroom break, but you'd rather not have an accident during your fun game, right?" In the case of eating, setting a firm mealtime can often solve arguments about coming to the table. Give the alternative of eating with the family or resting alone in her room. Do your kids seem tired but wired? If they're unwilling to go to bed, despite it being way past time, then their little bodies are probably producing excess adrenaline to keep them going. Heading off an exhaustion-related meltdown at the pass is the best way to prevent it. Again, establish a regular bedtime, and if it seems the kids are getting too tired before that bedtime, move it earlier. Kids thrive on routine, and when they can predict what's going to happen, they feel more comfortable and find it easier to express their needs.