Product Review: Vitamins

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Vitamins are a great way to make up for what may be missing from our diets. They can also help protect us against some diseases and conditions. If you don't know what to look for in vitamin supplements or what works best for different people, you'll find helpful tips and suggestions below. Just remember; it's important to always check with your physician before starting any vitamin regimen.

Vitamins for Men

Besides skin cancer, prostate cancer is one of the leading types of cancer that men develop. It is believed that lower levels of boron increase the likelihood of getting prostate cancer. Just 3 milligrams a day of boron can greatly decrease a man's chance of developing prostate cancer.

Boron also helps improve concentration and memory. Vitamin Shoppe makes a supplement that includes boron. It is their Multi Mineral/Boron/Vit D/No Iron supplement available for around $15.

For men and women, the older they get, the more fragile their bones can become, which is why taking a calcium supplement is a good idea. It can also help with weight loss.

Diabetes is another real concern, with an increase of Americans being diagnosed with this chronic condition. Chromium works to fight off diabetes, as it can keep insulin levels at normal range. One option is GNC's Chromium Picolinate 200 priced around $9.

Your body's energy supply is managed by coenzyme Q10. As men get older, their production of this begins to decrease. A coenzyme Q10 supplement can help increase production, along with fighting:

  • Cancer
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Huntington's disease
  • Heart disease