Ladies! Give Your Bust A Boost NATURALLY

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It may take time to break the slouching habit, but make it a point to remind yourself a couple times a day to lengthen your spine, push back your shoulders and hold your head high! Practicing yoga and/or Pilates is helpful, as both forms of exercise focus on strengthening and lengthening your core muscles and reinforcing great posture through self-awareness.

Tip #2 - Find the Perfect Bra: Your Support System

Supportive undergarments have long helped women mold their bodies into a more "desirable" shape. But unlike those horribly stiff, constricting and punishing contraptions of yesteryear, today's options are far more user-friendly.

The Wonderbra is a time-tested classic in terms of push-up bra technology, but there are numerous brands and styles available to help give a lift to the ladies while simultaneously vamping up your cleavage.

Ready to start shopping for your perfect support system? Here are a few suggested items to consider:

The Bra: Very Sexy Push-up Bra with Gel-Curves by Victoria's Secret

Price: $45-$48