How To Cover Facial Flaws

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Under-Eye Puffiness

Under-eye puffiness is a problem for a lot of women, especially as we age. There are plenty of creams that promise to magically get rid of them, but unfortunately, there isn't any evidence that these miracle formulas actually work. Surgery is an expensive and extreme option many gals just can't do. So should you just live with the bags? No way! You can conceal them using products you probably already have.

Gently dab a concealer that is one or two shades lighter than your skin onto the "shadow" portion of the eye bag and blend carefully. The trick is to apply the concealer only to the place where the bag casts a shadow; loading the concealer on the entire bag will only accentuate the problem. You might want to use a small makeup brush, as a fingertip may not be precise enough for this job.

Lines and Wrinkles

Many of us find that the same makeup routine that made us look cute at 25 is no longer working 10 or 15 years down the road. As we age, our skin changes, and so should our makeup. If you notice that your makeup draws attention to the signs of aging on your face, it's time to overhaul your regimen.

It can't hurt to purchase a foundation that is formulated for more mature skin. Many of these foundations can help fill in tiny lines and include added moisture or other ingredients that can nourish skin as it subtly conceals flaws. You'll also want to choose more creamy products, like cream blush, because they look less harsh than powders and enhance the skin's smoothness and glow. Aging skin around the eyes can be a big challenge when applying makeup. First, avoid eyeliner on your lower lids, as it will give them a tired, drawn-down appearance. When using eye shadow, start with a primer to help eliminate the creased look. Don't apply wrinkle creams to eyes right before applying makeup. This can cause the eye area to be greasy and unable to hold concealers and other cosmetic treatments.