5 Super Foods for a Healthy, Energetic Body

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By Angie Lewis

Would you like to know about some super foods that will get you healthy and your body energized? That's what I thought. Some of these foods you may already eat and that's great. It's not hard getting healthy. What makes getting healthy difficult is the motivation factor and making eating healthy a lifestyle.

Are we relying too much on vitamin supplements rather than the real thing? Did you know that many of the nutrients we receive from the foods we eat come from raw fruits and vegetables? This is why it is very important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in our diet to ensure nutritional balance.

Mega Vitamins From Food and The Sun

Grow your own sprouts/wheat grass - alfalfa sprouts are super foods. They are packed with life-giving nutrients. Alfalfa sprouts taste good in salads and sandwiches. Some sprouts such as the wheat berry sprout can be mixed with dried fruit, and because of their nutty flavor, make it a perfect nutritious, energy filled snack.

Tip: There is strong evidence to support that wheat grass juice (sprouts that have grown into grass) eaten daily while on a macrobiotic diet can prevent disease and heal certain cancers.