Is Portion Distortion Making You Fat?

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At sit down restaurants, tell the waiter to only bring out half of the serving for you to eat at the table, and box the rest for you to take home. You could also share your meal with a friend.

When you go to the grocery store, take a moment to read the labels of the products you buy, and only buy that which you need. If you're buying spaghetti to make for your family of four, don't buy the package that equals eight servings. If do you end up buying the larger economy sizes, be sure to repackage them as soon as you get home; portioning it out into the proper serving sizes for convenient use later.

Buy or eat off of smaller plates. This is a pretty big visual aid in and of itself. You'll see a full plate, but in effect you're actually eating less.

With a little thought and preparation, you can free yourself from portion distortion and save yourself extra pounds, as well as money, and your health.