Acupuncture Can Help Reduce or Block Pain

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Even though scientists don't completely understand how or why acupuncture works, some studies indicate that it may provide a number of medical benefits from reducing pain to helping with chemotherapy-induced nausea. For example, doctors may combine acupuncture and drugs to control pain and nausea after surgery. Individuals who received acupuncture for pain relief reported that their pain went away to a greater extent than those who were waiting for treatment. In one small trial, people who received acupuncture reported better pain relief in the short-term than those who received massage therapy. There were no serious side effects reported in any of these trials.

About the Author:

As a long time user of Acupuncture I have a website with which I share my experiences and information about Acupuncture and its many uses with others.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Acupuncture Can Help Reduce or Block Pain