How to Quit Smoking

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*Convince a buddy to quit smoking with you, anyone in your life who smoke can participate. Having a quit partner can trigger either camaraderie or competitiveness and either one can be beneficial in quitting smoking. If you don't know anyone who smokes, make a wager with a friend on that you can quit. Tell everyone you know you are quitting, their support and the responsibility that comes with your announcement will help you keep your word and stay cigarette free.

*Don't set a quit day, rather quit on the day that cigarette taste particularly nasty. Every smoker undoubtedly has these days when cigarette taste awful. Of course following this advice alone most likely won't make you quit, but you could combine different strategies together. For example, you start by cutting down on the cigarettes you smoke. Tell everyone you know you are quitting and go grab a nicotine gum at your local pharmacy. Wait until "the day" comes, it should be easy enough. As former smoker I know smokers live through nasty cigarette tasting days at least a couple of times a month. Just use it as another arsenal to combat your nicotine dependency, it's as simple as that.

*Stop buying cigarettes by the carton or have spares at home. Force yourself to buy a new pack every time you run out of cigarettes making smoking very inconvenient for yourself. Smokers tend to smoke more than usual when they know they have stocked extra cigarettes through the roof.

*Ask your smoker friends to avoid smoking around you. If your friends object to the idea, try to stay away from them for about a month. It is imperative that you do not linger near cigarette smokes because for most people quitting smoking is hard enough as is.