Natural Peanut Butters

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Another factor in determining whether a peanut butter is natural is oil separation. If the food manufacturer claims the peanut butter is natural yet at the same time there's no need to stir, the peanut butter is in fact not truly natural in the strict sense of the word.

Debunking the "Have to Stir Natural Peanut Butter Every Time" Myth

Many people believe you must use your muscle power to stir natural peanut butter every time you take it out of your pantry or refrigerator. Not so. Your initial stirring takes about five minutes; thereafter, you need only lightly stir if at all.

Natural Peanut Butters: How They Stack Up

Major food manufacturers have added so-called "natural" peanut butters to their line of products. Do they live up to their promises? Let's take a look at three natural peanut butters: Smart Balance, Skippy, and Smuckers.

Smart Balance Omega Natural Peanut Butter. Is Smart Balance natural peanut butter really smart? Yes, it's made without refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, and trans-fats. Yes, it has lots of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it adds molasses (unrefined sugar) and a natural oil blend of flaxseed oil and palm oil to stabilize the peanut butter so you don't have to stir it. Per flaxseed oil, it's a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids; but then again, so is natural peanut oil. The palm oil is recognized as a vegetable oil high in saturated fats. And the need for added sugar, albeit unrefined in the form of molasses, is questionable.