Potty Mouths: How to Punish

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They'll also learn that it's not a necessity to swear in stressful situations. In the event your child does drop the "f" bomb or any of its equally-offensive cousins, send your little one directly to the bathroom. Explain that what they've uttered is "bathroom talk" and order him to stay in the bathroom until he's finished with the bathroom talk. Tell your child that those kinds of words aren't meant to go beyond the bathroom. Every time he swears, send him back to the bathroom. Eventually, he'll get the message. Explain the effects of the words on people. For younger children, offer alternatives. For example, if he is repeatedly dropping the "s" bomb, suggest other words that aren't as offensive. Teach your child to express frustration by talking about their feelings and not letting out expletives. There's no better way to help him clean up his act... and his mouth.