Do You Resent Your Partner?

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The interplay of money and power is a complicated thing and differs from one couple to the next. Much of it depends on the partners' family history of money, among other things. To combat resentment in these situations, you should realize that you do make a large contribution to the household, no matter how much money you make.

If you want to increase your financial independence, work toward it. Do at-home work, take classes or do whatever you need to advance. Until then, strive to do the best job you can, whether you work for pay or work as a stay-at-home mom. Having pride in what you do will boost your self-confidence and help dispel some of that resentment.

If you feel as though your spouse is being unappreciative or domineering because of his status, it's time to have a conversation with him. He may not realize what he's doing, or you may be misinterpreting his behavior through the lens of your own feelings of resentment. Communication is the way to go.

Getting a Hand

Division of chores is another point of resentment for many couples. Women can feel overburdened doing more than their fair share of housework and childcare while their partner enjoys some downtime after work. It can be difficult to know your spouse expects you to do certain tasks, while hardly ever stepping in to give you a hand.