Keeping the Kids Busy When It's Miserably Hot

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Of course, just because the kids are complaining that it's too hot outside doesn't mean you have to give in and let them play inside. If you have a yard, get those kids into swimsuits and sunscreen (if they aren't wearing it already) and turn on those sprinklers. You know you loved running through the sprinkler as a kid. You don't even need to buy the ones designed for kids to play with, jut make sure yours is fairly kid friendly - low to the ground, no sharp edges and so forth.

Ride bicycles, go hiking, get some of their friends to come over to play one sort of tag or another, all the stuff you enjoyed as a kid. In many cases it isn't that it's too hot to play outside, it's that your kids are bored.

Stephanie Foster is getting used to chasing the kids into the back yard this summer. For more parenting tips for stay at home moms, visit http://www.homewiththekids.com/family/.

Article Source: http://www.parentingarticlelibrary.com