Product Review: Pack and Plays

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Always closely follow the manufacturer's directions when assembling and disassembling your portable playpen, check them for sturdiness before putting baby in, and keep an eye out for company recalls that might affect your product. The Consumer Product Safety Commission website lists up-to-date product recalls on a variety of children's products.

The Graco Pack n Play Playard with Bassinet has all the attributes of a great portable playpen. It's sturdy and strong, easy to set up and take down, and light enough to carry with little effort. It also comes with a bassinet that's a cozy sleeping spot for your little one. The feet and wheels fold to make it more compact and easy to carry. This product is perfect for family vacations or whenever you're on the go with the kids.

The Eddie Bauer Complete Care Playard is a 3-in-one luxury that will make your child's playtime more convenient and fun. The bassinet is perfect for young babies. The playard sports some wonderful features too, like soothing vibrations, music, and a nightlight. The changing table is an ultra convenient feature with a baby wipe dispenser. This product is also easy to fold and carry in the carrying case that's included.

Carter's Comfort 'n Care Playard & Changer is another 3-in-1 sleep-play-change system. It's from the leader in infant supplies, so you can expect excellent quality. It may take some practice to get the hang of folding the unit due to the multi-functional system, but the bottom line is that this unit is high-quality.

The Baby Bjorn Travel Crib Light is a neat and trendy crib for families on the go who want a more modern look for their portable play pen. Its features include a super-easy folding system and an insulated mattress to keep your baby cozy when there's a chill in the air. This product folds neatly and at 11 pounds, it's one of the lightest portable playpens out there.

The portable playpens we've looked at so far are top-rated products and therefore have been on the pricey side. What about well-built portable playpens that do their job but don't cost an arm and a leg?