Product Review: Moisturizers

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Consider the balancing effect of jojoba oil on your skin. This oil is derived from the jojoba seed, native to dry climates like Arizona and southern California. Products with this natural plant product help even out the skin's oil glands. (It also helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines.)

Remember that oily skin may help you retain the moisture in your skin but it can't make up for oil you lose as you age. This makes it all the more important to find an oil-free moisturizer rich in alpha hydroxy acids to smooth out your complexion and give your skin the moisture it needs (even if you think you have enough oil to fill up an entire package of blotting cloths).

You May Want to Try: OC Eight Professional Mattifying Gel

Made famous on American Idol, this gel contains the active ingredient acrysorb. These particles trap up to 6 times their own volume in oil, which allows oil to be absorbed while your skin's hydration levels are kept intact. This results in a pleasing matte finish good for up to 8 hours, hence the product's name. $40.60

Dry Skin

You Need: A moisturizer that will give your skin the hydration it desperately needs, both in the morning and at night. If you don't, dryness can lead to rough, dull skin. Many of us with dry skin are probably familiar with dry patches in the wintertime, but in more extreme cases, itching, flaking and peeling can result.