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The UltraSimple Diet: Shed 10 lbs in 7 Days

Dr. Mark Hyman

Inflammation has become the buzzword of the decade. It's been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and a host of autoimmune issues. Most people don't realize to what extent inflammation can affect your health. In fact, it's one of the leading causes of obesity. Dr. Mark Hyman is staking his claim in the anti-inflammation game with his new book The UltraSimple Diet (April 2007, Pocket Books), a 7-day kick-start to help you shed up to 10 pounds.

Over the past decade, inflammation has become a household word. While the condition was virtually unheard of some years ago, that's all changed. Researchers pinpoint inflammation as the root of almost all health problems - from headaches to heartaches. Dr. Mark Hyman, author of the bestselling book UltraMetabolism and editor of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, has become a pioneer in the field of inflammation and how it affects the body.

When it comes to inflammation, Dr. Hyman was ahead of the times. He's spent the past 15 years exploring the effects of inflammation in his private practice and during his tenure as the co-medical director at the renowned Canyon Ranch, one of the world's leading health resorts. Now he's making the advice he gives to his patients in one-on-one consultations available to readers in The UltraSimple Diet.

What most people don't realize is that inflammation is a calling card for trouble. Dr. Hyman says that almost every modern disease is caused by inflammation. Regular inflammation is perfectly normal, Dr. Hyman explains. However, when the immune system shifts out of balance, inflammation goes into overdrive, wreaking havoc on the body and contributing to serious health issues.

While anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and antihistamines are effective treatments, they don't get to the root of the problem, which is where The UltraSimple Diet comes into play.

Dr. Mark Hyman

Fight Inflammation, Battle Toxicity

The UltraSimple Diet is based on two key factors - fighting inflammation and battling toxicity, two conditions that make people sick and fat. People are generally unaware that triggers of inflammation include eating too much sugar, consuming excess doses of unhealthy oils and fats, hidden food allergens, lack of exercise, stress, and infections.

Dr. Hyman's philosophy is that by reducing inflammation, patients not only combat chronic illness, but also experience significant weight loss as a side effect... and all in a matter of seven days. To put his theory to the test, Dr. Hyman has more than scientific research under his belt -- he also has more than 150 case studies, which all support his findings.

"In one week we did a test of the diet with an online community," Dr. Hyman says. "We had people try The UltraSimple Diet for one week. In seven days people had a reduction of overall chronic symptoms they had. We had before-and-after questions that showed a reduction of symptoms, including headaches, joint pain, insomnia, fatigue and more.

"The reduction was 51 percent, and a side effect was that people lost five pounds on average. Some people lost more; some people lost less. It was a very powerful experience. For so many people it had a profound effect. It's a comprehensive approach to all underlying causes of obesity and disease."

Foods That Are Hazardous to Your Health

Most people struggle for months to shed those extra pounds, but with the UltraSimple Diet, it's, well, simple. There are no overwhelming calculations, no calorie or carb counting, and no need for an overabundance in physical activity. In fact, Dr. Hyman doesn't introduce moderate exercise until after the first week, and even then it's as basic as integrating a walking program into your daily routine.

Dr. Mark Hyman

The first trick of following The UltraSimple Diet is to eliminate those foods that ignite an internal flame within the body. Prepare to swear off processed foods, refined sugars, trans fat, artificial compounds, preservatives, sweeteners, caffeine and alcohol. All of the above can hinder the body's ability to function at optimal levels.

Among the foods that you'll be eradicating from your diet are...

  • Sugar of all kinds (white sugar, cane sugar, brown sugar, honey, etc.)
  • Sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, maltitol and more
  • Artificial sweeteners (aspartame)
  • Natural sweeteners (Stevia)
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Yeast
  • Dairy products
  • Beef, pork and lamb
  • Corn
  • Gluten
  • All flour products
  • Fast food
  • Junk food
  • Processed food
  • Refined oils and hydrogenated fats

Dr. Mark Hyman

More than likely the list above includes the foods that largely comprise your diet, which is Dr. Hyman's point. These foods all cause inflammation and lead to a plethora of unwanted side effects including aches, pain, fatigue and much more.

By replacing the foods that are toxic with whole, natural foods, the body automatically heals and repairs itself. As you modify your diet, your body undergoes a detoxification process, eliminating the foods that contribute to inflammation. This also allows the body to let go of the extra weight it's been hanging onto. What many people don't realize is that the body actually has an intolerance of some very common foods including eggs, dairy, gluten, yeast, corn and others.

"There are food sensitivities which are part of an immune response to food," Dr. Hyman explains. "It's not like a peanut allergy or shellfish allergy where people are severely allergic. It's a subtle thing that creates a delayed reaction. It's a delayed reaction that causes weight gain and chronic illness. Most people don't realize what's going on."

What You Should Be Eating

The UltraSimple Diet is not about deprivation. In fact, many followers of the diet report that there is actually an abundance of food on the plan. Meals consist of whole, natural foods.

Here's a rundown of what you will eat:

  • Filtered water
  • Fish such as sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod, sole and cod
  • Lean white mean chicken breasts
  • Fresh or frozen noncitrus fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fresh vegetable broth
  • Legumes (lentils, navy beans, adzunki beans, mung beans, tofu)
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, and pumpkin seeds)
  • Flaxseeds (ground)
  • Lemons

Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Hyman has designed a specific 7-day meal plan that pushes the body into the detoxification process. He also recommends that individuals following The UltraSimple Diet buy organic versions of the foods on the plan wherever possible. Consuming organic foods optimizes the program by increasing the level of nutrients that body is getting.

"Organic foods are certainly very helpful because they contain higher levels of nutrients and higher level of vitamins and antioxidants," Dr. Hyman says. "The most important thing is whether you're eating foods that are rich in phytochemicals. A bigger issue is whether or not you're eating a plant-based diet."

Of course, there are some individuals who Dr. Hyman recommends do not follow The UltraSimple Diet. They include those on medication for chronic illness, pregnant or nursing women, anyone under the age of 18, anyone who is underweight or malnourished, anyone with cancer, terminal illness, mental illness, hyperthyroidism, kidney problems, or anemia. As with all diet and fitness programs, consult with your physician before starting any new plan.

Stick With the Program

Once you've completed the seven-day program, you can continue on the plan for a longer period of time. Dr. Hyman says you can remain on The UltraSimple Diet for up to three months. At that point, you can slowly integrate other foods back into your diet and see how the body reacts. Dr. Hyman strongly suggests doing this every few days so you don't overwhelm your system. Keep a log of how your body reacts to different foods. Once you determine which foods make you sick and fat, then you'll know to avoid them.

If you are satisfied with the results after seven days, do not go back to your old way of eating. Reintroduce foods back into your diet based on Dr. Hyman's recommendations. Through trial and error, you'll be able to determine which foods your body is allergic to.

"The next step outlined is to reintroduce foods that are potentially allergic foods," Dr. Hyman says. "Identify those foods and keep them out of your diet if you're still feeling sick. The goal for is to have people see how good they can feel. Most people don't realize they're feeling bad until they feel so good.

Dr. Mark Hyman

"I hope by the end of the week people realize that all of the problems they have - headaches, joint pain, rashes, insomnia, low sex drive - are all a result of things they're doing to themselves and choose not to do them. I want them to decide that they don't want to go back to junk and eat whole foods instead."

To learn more about The UltraSimple Diet, click here. To get a sneak peek of The UltraSimple Diet, click here.