6 Signs He's a Jerk

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5. The Hater – There is no bigger jerk than the guy who constantly displays sexist, racist or homophobic behavior. You know the type. He's the one who is always making slurs or cracking jokes about specific groups of people. His commentary is completely inappropriate and downright offensive. 

Maybe he is an equal-opportunity offender who believes that people from all other walks of life are beneath him. Whether his ideals were instilled in him from childhood or he has picked up his prejudiced principles along the way doesn't matter – they are still his beliefs. It's a mighty hard pill to swallow. 

You know the type. He's the one who always makes slurs or cracks jokes about specific groups of people. The trouble with the hater is that for a while he might keep his true colors under wraps. Although he might not display his feelings initially, maybe his silence says it all. When other people make hateful comments, does he stay unusually quiet? That could indicate that he agrees with the remarks and be an indication of things to come. 

At the first sign of blatant discrimination, don't walk – run -- the other way. The last kind of jerk you want to contend with is narrow-minded ninny who makes it a habit to put down others.