Music to Their Ears
Today's Moms Tip
Can playing music to your baby or young child make her smarter? That was the claim of the much-hyped "Mozart Effect" several years ago, but the truth isn't exactly black and white. Certainly, music is a great complement for stimulating... Read More
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Is it OK for Kids to Go Vegetarian?
Decades ago, vegetarianism was considered something of a fringe lifestyle, reserved for hippies and Buddhist monks. Those days are long gone. As more Americans focus on green living and conscious...
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10 Economical Ways to Have Fun
Just because you're trying to keep the family on a sensible budget doesn't mean you have to do without everything fun. Likewise, an economical evening with the family isn't limited to a night of shadow...
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Your House's Danger Zones
While you don't want to be a high-strung parent who is paranoid of danger lurking behind every corner, it is critical to your child's safety and well-being that you educate yourself about your house's...
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