Play It Safe Outside
Today's Moms Tip
With so many kids engaging in television, video games, and computer activity, it seems what most children are in dire need of is some time outdoors. Playing outside gives your child a chance to blow off some steam while getting their daily... Read More
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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for These Frozen Treats
Warm weather is upon us.  You're finally exposed to temperatures that call for frozen relief this time a year. Indulge a little this summer and whip up some seriously yummy frozen delights for...
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Thinking Outside the Lunchbox
It's no secret that the choices offered in most school cafeterias leave something to be desired, both nutritionally and taste-wise. And convenience "kid" lunches-you know, those pre-packaged cracker,...
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8 Ways to Make Learning Fun
Helping your child to learn can be a challenge. While learning requires creative thinking, much of learning consists of rote memorization. Remember going over and over those times tables? Kids get bored...
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