Squash out Thumbsucking
Today's Moms Tip
It's a hard habit to break, but it can be done. We're talking about the dreaded thumbsucking. Parents - take heart. Eventually, the time is going to come, probably just not soon enough. Research shows that 30 percent of preschool children... Read More
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Helping your child to learn can be a challenge. While learning requires creative thinking, much of learning consists of rote memorization. Remember going over and over those times tables? Kids get bored...
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Family-Friendly Travel Tips
Traveling with children can be enjoyable and fun with these family-friendly travel tips. No matter if you are traveling by plane, train or automobile you can have a pleasant experience if you prepare...
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More Fruits and Veggies, Please!
As a dietitian and a mom of three young children, I naturally have a bowl of fruit on the kitchen table. You may think that this has always been the case. The truth is that it wasn't. The practice of...
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