Keep an Eye on Your Child's Peepers
Today's Moms Tip
Jeepers, creepers, are you keeping an eye on those peepers? Making sure your kids have healthy eyes is extremely important. That means you need to take action now... and not wait until eye issues arise. Newborn babies should be examined to... Read More
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Shortly after having my first baby, I decided I was going to be the perfect parent. I immediately began to keep an intelligent library of child-rearing books on my nightstand and would replenish the...
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Internet Safety Tips for Kids
Computers and the internet have become a way of life. Telling your kids that they can't go on the internet is like telling them they can't breathe. Not only has the internet become a social aspect for...
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Makeup for Busy Moms
Whether your little one is a few months old or a few years old, when children become our main focus, almost everything else seems to go by the wayside-including our beauty routine. While we might not...
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