Sex for Dummies: Who Can Help You Get Your Groove On

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Pole Dancing Classes - Feel like your moves could use a little updating? Trying to build up your sexual bravado? Pole dancing classes could give you the confidence boost you've been looking for.

Not only will you learn new steps to get your man's heart pumping, you'll get a workout and start feeling better about your body image. Typically most classes are made of all women so there's no need to feel self-conscious when learning how to shake it.

Pull Out an Anatomy Book - Sexual anxiety may stem from the fact that you aren't sure what you're looking at down there and how it works. Obviously a penis and a vagina are no-brainers but what about the clitoris or prostate?

Take time to explore yourself with a hand mirror and see if you can pick out your hot spots. Knowing what parts are what and how they are stimulated may ease some of your worry and make you a better lover.

Watch Porn - No, really, it might seem silly or make you blush but exposing yourself to sexual activity in the privacy of your own home can allow you the ability to become more comfortable with the idea of sex.