Sex for Dummies: Who Can Help You Get Your Groove On

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Join a Support Group - After life-changing events like a rape, cancer or death of a close loved one, sexual issues can arise. You may not feel emotionally ready or you could be experiencing physical issues such as dryness and pain.

There are on and offline support groups for women suffering from sexual issues because of health or psychological causes. A quick Internet search can provide you with a listing of groups in your area or online that can offer you a resource for getting over your sexual situation.

A Personal Trainer - Maybe the reason you're falling flat in the bedroom is that extra flab. Invest in the services of a personal trainer who can get you looking and feeling your best, which will result in boosting your confidence when the lights go down and the clothes come off. With your newfound fitness you may also feel more comfortable slipping into lingerie or a sexy swimsuit. Who knows, you might meet your next tryst at kickboxing class or running on the track.

Remember that there is nothing wrong or uncommon about being sexually shy or inexperienced. Societal pressures, media, and the Internet have sent mixed messages about sexual norms.